Big Brother 20 live feed spoilers: Could the votes flip? (day 34, afternoon)


Is it possible that a big move is in the works in the Big Brother 20 house? It definitely is.

At the moment, Rockstar and Kaitlyn are both on the block after Faysal decided to use the Power of Veto on Haleigh. With that, one of these two players is leaving the game on Thursday. We wondered if this move would entice some people to gun for Rockstar, especially since there are clearly a number of people who do want her out.

Based on what we’re seeing at the moment, Tyler and Brett are very much open to the idea. That makes sense, given that Tyler is close to Kaitlyn on some level (even if she’s all over the place) and Brett already tried to detonate Rockstar’s game. The question we have here is if they can get the rest of the remaining Level 6 members on their side. If they can, they would either need JC’s vote or Sam to break the tie. That’s where the struggle comes in since Sam didn’t originally have any intention of there being a replacement nominee this week.

We definitely do think that it does make more sense for Level 6 to keep Kaitlyn since they know Rockstar is out to get them. Kaitlyn is malleable, and after Level 6 saves her and Faysal used the Veto on Haleigh, we do think she’d be much more inclined to flip back. Also, Rockstar is a far better strategic player than Kaitlyn — she talks way too much and is combustible, but she does at least recognize the game a whole lot more than Kaitlyn does.

We’ll see where things go from here, but it’s possible that the likes of Kaitlyn, Scottie (we forget he’s even in the house this week), and Bayleigh could be blindsided for the fourth straight week at the vote. For the sake of entertainment, that’s fun — though we do like having Rockstar in the house since the rivalry between her and Brett is very good TV.

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Also, remember that you can like CarterMatt on Facebook for some other information on Big Brother! We’ve got news, reviews, and weekly interviews with Allison Grodner. (Photo: CBS)

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