Big Brother 20 live feed spoilers: Kaycee outs women’s alliance (day 29, evening)

Kaycee Clark

For our final Big Brother 20 live feed update for day 29, we’re basically talking about the big reveal that the women’s alliance isn’t quite as secret as some of these women may have hoped.

One of the things that hasn’t got anywhere near the play it should on the CBS show is the closeness of the bond between Kaycee and Tyler — they’ve been tight from the very beginning, and she is the one who effectively blew up whatever hopes there were of this alliance ever staying hidden. She chose to spill the beans on it to him tonight, and following that, she then pretended to Rachel and Angela that she hasn’t yet.

This entire ordeal should be giving Tyler a great deal of pause, largely because Kaycee is the only person who has talked with him about it. If we were him, we’d start communicating with the other guys and fighting to win Head of Household over this coming week. The good news for them is that in the event Sam doesn’t use her power tomorrow, there is basically a free week where nothing could end up happening. (Granted, there’s also the case where a guy wins, a woman is evicted, and she gets her way back into the game.)

This women’s alliance is already being sniffed out to a certain extent by Faysal already, who accused Kaitlyn of being in one after suggesting that she would nominate JC and Winston (she thinks Winston is leaving) in the event she wins Head of Household again. At this point, the reality is that the guys should’ve been feeling concerned just from the basis of numbers alone. If the women’s alliance somehow works even in spite of the truth getting out, Scottie’s decision to not just put up Rachel/Angela could have ramifications. (Sure, he would’ve been leaving two alpha dudes in the house, but you always want to play what-if with this show.)

Of course, we’ll be back with another Big Brother update in the morning, so stay tuned!

Meanwhile, remember that you can also like CarterMatt on Facebook to score some more information when it comes to the series. (Photo: CBS.)

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