Lucifer season 5: What could the possible renewal timeline be?


We like to think that it’s never too early to start thinking about the future. With that, within this particular Lucifer story we’re going to go ahead and start looking towards a potential seaosn 5 coming down the road!

Do we think that we’re going to get one? As of right now, we’re optimistic. When Lucifer saved the series following its run on Netflix, the only thing that they officially ordered was one ten-episode season. Yet, you do need to think about things in this sense: Do you think that Netflix went through all of the trouble to save this show just to get ten episodes, especially when they don’t even know how the first three seasons would perform on their service in America? We think that from the jump here, Netflix is thinking about Lucifer as a series that they could have around for multiple seasons at a time. While there may not be any confirmation that this is happening, we absolutely think that it is something that is on their mind.

With that in mind, the ball is in the court of the fans to promote the heck out of season 4 — and also watch it live when it does premiere. We feel like the earliest, in theory, it could start is January, but we’ve also suggested that it could be a little bit later than that. The point of this article, more so than speculating on possible return dates, is trying to pinpoint what the process to a season 5 renewal could be.

Typically, patience is a virtue when it comes to waiting for most Netflix shows to be renewed. They rarely renew series for additional episodes while their current seasons are on the air and with that, we definitely do not expect that here. Instead, what we imagine we’ll need to do is wait a month or two after the show starts streaming for word to come down. Why is that? It mostly has to do with the fact that most Netflix viewers, despite the famous phrase, don’t binge-watch the entire season in a day or two. Most people watch an episode whenever they have the time and take a little bit longer to get through. Some may not even start the season until a week or two late. A month is a good period of time in which you can see not only your early numbers, but also the retention rate and if word-of-mouth is helping to improve the show’s performance.

For now, we’re optimistic that season 4 will not be the final one for Lucifer — you just better be prepared to wait a while for more news.

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