Save Shadowhunters update: Candy and conventions

Shadowhunters season 2 finale review

Today, at least in comparison to yesterday, has been much quieter on the front to save Shadowhunters — basically, that means that we don’t have mass confusion about what is or isn’t happening in terms of the show finding a new home.

What we’ve been able to surmise, though, from a number of different social-media reactions, is that there is some element of commitment behind the scenes in order to make a season 4 happen. Take, for example, the reaction by executive producer Todd Slavkin to the billboard that has finally been unveiled in a Seoul subway station.

Also, we gotta talk about candy — which, to be honest, we really want to do even when we are not discussing Shadowhunters at all. Recently, Martin Moszkowicz and Oliver Berben of production company Constantin Film were sent a rather generous amount of Shadowhunters-themed M&Ms, ones that were decorated with familiar show iconography alongside the message to #SaveShadowhunters. Both parties shared photos of the candy on social media, which we like to think that there is some commitment there to the cause.

While we know some of Martin’s apparent comments about a possible spin-off yesterday were a little bit disconcerting, remember this: If he didn’t want to save Shadowhunters, why post this? Why post anything at all? Typically, the easiest way to tell whether or not someone really wants to come back to a show is whether or not they acknowledge the effort that is going on with fans. We do think that everyone at Constantin wants Shadowhunters back since it is a way for them to earn extra money. Of course, we do also wish that they would not focus on a spin-off prospect at all for now … but hopefully fans steer them in the right direction.

We’re back to things being relatively quiet when it comes to the effort to get the show back, but that is typically par for the course with such campaigns. In a lot of ways, much of the hoopla yesterday was an aberration more so than something we expect a lot more of. We just hope that some further information comes in the weeks ahead.

Convention reminder

If you are going to the Italian Institute Con (it’s happening this weekend!), remember to use #SaveShadowhunters and try to generate more positive discussion. It’s a great opportunity for the fans in attendance to meet the cast, but beyond that it’s a chance for everyone worldwide to be a part of the effort to save the show once more.

As always, we do welcome some of your thoughts in the attached comments! Remember that you can also like CarterMatt on Facebook to score some other information when it comes to Shadowhunters the moment we have it. (Photo: Freeform.)


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