Big Brother 20 live feed spoilers: More Kaitlyn delusions (day 21, evening)

Kaitlyn Herman

Is Kaitlyn currently in the running for worst case of HoH-itis in Big Brother history? We gotta think that she is up there.

Let’s spend a moment or two here recounting all of the different ways in which she’s tried to inflate her ego within the game. For starters, we’ve heard her say this week that she is an incredible HoH, that America loves her, that she’s standing up for her younger self, and that she is going to get a power app from America in return for everything that she has done. She’s convinced that getting rid of Swaggy C is at this point some incredible move … even though he actually wasn’t targeting her anywhere near as much as she thought.

Basically, Kaitlyn is completely out of it and all of the power has gone to her head within the game. This is not going to end well for her.

We see a lot of people though, saying to vote for Kaitlyn to get the crap app next week … but the irony there is that if you do vote for her, there’s a chance that she’ll be most trending just because people cannot stand her. The #1 thing that diehard fans should do, if they want to ensure that her delusions aren’t fed into, is not vote for her at all. Ignoring her is really the way to make her least-trending, though we doubt that will happen since there’s going to be a contingent of casual fans who don’t understand the rules properly. Don’t be surprised if this is one of those super-wonky weeks in the game where really random stuff happens.

Other than Kaitlyn’s delusional conversations with Tyler + her waffling a little bit on evicting Swaggy because they had a good conversation, very little is happening in terms of substantial gameplay. We do get a sense that Swaggy is going to try to save himself versus Winston tomorrow, but pending some big shocker it is probably going to fall on deaf ears within the house. Nobody within the game seems altogether inclined to budge all that much.

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