Animal Kingdom season 3 episode 7 video: Did Smurf put a hit on Baz?

Animal Kingdom season 3 episode 3

Animal Kingdom season 3 episode 7 is coming onto TNT on Tuesday night, and judging from some of the latest indications we have, this one is going to raise many questions. At the center of many of them is simply this: Did Smurf actually put a hit out on Baz? Could she really have been responsible for what happened?

In the sneak peek below, this question is certainly raised, and it makes you wonder many different things … including whether or not Smurf is being set up for it. Do we think that she is capable of ordering a hit on him? Really, we think that Smurf is capable of really doing just about anything. There’s a reason why she is so believable in prison, and we do think that in the event she gets out, she’s going to have a lot of questions to answer. (Admittedly, we’re still surprised that she is even still in prison, all things considered.)

There are some other questions that we are wondering beyond this sneak peek still, including just what’s going to happen with Nicky, who is not featured at all here. She was shot at the end of this past episode before J left her outside of the hospital. We feel like there’s a reasonably good chance that she is going to figure out a way to survive, but within the world of this series, we’ve also known for some time now that there are no guarantees; virtually anything can happen at almost any given moment.

Meanwhile, we also feel like there are some questions that need to still be answered regarding Billy and his ladyfriend Frankie, who is certainly making herself into quite the enigma. What do they really want from being around Deran and the Cody boys? We’re not sure we’ve got all the answers just yet.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to the next Animal Kingdom episode

What do you want to see when it comes to Animal Kingdom season 3 episode 7? Be sure to share right now in the comments below!

Meanwhile, be sure to also like CarterMatt on Facebook to get some more information and updates right away when it comes to the TNT series. (Photo: TNT.)


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