Big Brother 20: Did Kaitlyn Herman drop n-word while on the live feeds?

Kaitlyn Herman

Just when you think Big Brother 20 is starting to get out of some of the recent controversy surrounding racist language and sexual misconduct, another problem surfaces. This time around, it comes via Kaitlyn Herman dropping the n-word while on the live feeds.

In a conversation with Tyler, Scottie, and others (it was a little bit difficult to hear, but it becomes clearer with each passing moment), you can hear Kaitlyn say “I did go from 0 to 100 [n-word] real quickly.” We know that there are going to be some mixed reactions to this that run the gamut, including some people who try to justify it by saying that she was quoting a Drake song, or that she didn’t say the hard-R version of the word. (It’s a little too difficult for us to hear that one way or another.) At the end of the day, it’s really offensive either way, egregious, and something that should never be said — quoting music or not.

The one thing that is becoming clearer is that CBS has, once again, a real problem when it comes to controlling houseguests and educating them on what to say and not say. While they have that disclaimer up every time you open the live feeds as a means of protecting themselves, we’re not altogether sure that it matters all that much to people who watch the feeds and are offended when stuff like this goes down. The incidents are casting a pall over what has been otherwise a fun, entertaining season.

Do you blame casting? It’s easy to make them the scapegoat, but we’re sure that nobody in pre-game interviews goes in there and drops offensive comments willy-nilly. You can maybe look for different archetypes, but it’s hard to know what anyone does in their downtime or when they’re not being watched. After a while, players can start to become used to the cameras not being there and they start acting like they do in real life.

As for what CBS will do with Kaitlyn as a result of this, we imagine that they will probably sit her down and give her the same warning that they gave others, including (apparently) Angela, Rachel, and JC. At this point, you could almost make the case that they should just sit down and have a conversation with everyone to try to squash this before more stuff happens. Not all publicity is good publicity and we don’t want to see this season routinely be about TMZ headlines. That’s why expulsion should be on the table. You don’t want to see this situation get out of hand.

Big Brother should be a fun, entertaining game, but we also cannot ignore some of the terrible things that happen in the house and just focus on the fun. They illuminate the problems in society and we should all try to work to create an environment where everyone is educated, aware, and inclusive. That’s something that clearly, many houseguests this season need some work on, and they really should’ve figured that out before going on a reality TV show.

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