Big Brother 20 live feed spoilers: The first update! BB App Store paranoia

Big Brother 20

Welcome to the first edition of Big Brother 20 live feed spoilers! All season long, CarterMatt will be bringing you updates more or less all season long, and this marks the NINTH season that we’ve done this. Crazy.

The first night of live feeds is always one of the craziest, mostly because there are so many people that you are getting to meet all at the same time. This year, it seems like everyone was told around when the feeds were starting, mostly because we ended up seeing a number of shout-outs alongside Kaitlyn and JC performing a little rehearsed skit for everyone at America (it’s really more for them than anyone). Scottie stuck his tongue out at America, so there’s that.

The strategy reveals happened over time. Take, for example, some of the dudes (Steve / Winston / Brett) not being happy with the women. As it turns out, both Brett and Winston are also Have-Nots and have to sleep in a room that has some circular-like platforms for beds. Winston was really upset and/or paranoid about slamming a door in Kaitlyn’s face and everything that could come as a result of that. He basically told a story about this to everyone in the house.

As for everything else worth noting, the BB App Store prize is apparently in the house as of right now, but nobody knows who has it. Some of the guys plus Angela are convinced that it may be JC who has it — however, we’re about 90% it’s Sam (who is currently in robot form) based on some of the very positive reaction to her we’ve seen online.

In general, though, what surprised us the most was that there wasn’t too much going on when it comes to the identifying of specific targets … though that may be in part due to the fact that a long time has passed since nominations and the Veto has yet to be played. That’s probably going to happen at some point this weekend.

If you missed it…

Check out our video below for some more on tonight’s episode! We’re going to have more throughout the season so be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an update!

Related Check out some more news when it comes to all things Big Brother

Remember, you can also like CarterMatt on Facebook for more live feed updates. (Photo: CBS.)

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