The Flash season 5: Should there be a new Caitlin Snow love interest?

Caitlin Snow

Mrs. Carter: Is it time to introduce a new Caitlin Snow love interest moving into The Flash season 5?

For a while, I got the feeling that the writers behind the scenes at the CW series were not wanting to pair off Danielle Panabaker’s character with anyonn. After all, so much of her story in season 1 revolved around the death of Ronnie and the relationship she had with him. Then, in season 2 there was everything with “Jay Garrick” / Zoom. Eventually, we were starting to get to the point where this character’s story could be defined based on romance, and nobody wants that — especially for someone who is well-known for often being Killer Frost.

This is why it’s a good thing that romance was somewhat out on the shelf the past two years. While there were inklings of something possibly forming with Julian in season 3, that seemed to be more one-sided with him being into her more than she was into him. In season 4, there could’ve been something more written with Ralph and Caitlin, but I’m rather happy that there wasn’t. Caitlin didn’t need that, especially since Ralph was still alternating between reluctant hero and perv for most of the first part of the season.

Moving into season 5, there is somewhat more of a clean slate that is present here for Caitlin, at least in terms of there being different stories that could be explored. More so than anything else, the hope is just that she has a great story, and it doesn’t matter if it’s romantic or otherwise. The last thing that any Caitlin fan should want is for her to just be handed a romantic subplot just because the writers have no idea what else to do with her. If there’s a badass arc for her regarding her family history or the true origin of her powers, it’s best to focus on that. There’s always time for a romance down the road.

If there is a love interest thrown into season 5, fingers crossed that it’s a character who can put her first without also possessing some sort of terrible/dark secret or a death wish. She deserves someone who understands her and will care about her, but is also strong enough to challenge her. She deserves someone who can be an equal and can help to further along her own story. There is room for another Caitlin romance on this show, but it does feel right after everything that’s happened that there is a bit more of a wait for it. If and when it happens, that’s going to make it so much more interesting down the line.

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Do you want to see a Caitlin Snow love interest moving into The Flash season 5? Share right now in the comments!

Meanwhile, be sure to also like CarterMatt on Facebook for some other news on The Flash the moment that they are online. There’s a whole lot more to discuss this summer! (Photo: The CW.)

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