Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: China, Xi Jinping featured

Last Week Tonight

Tonight’s Last Week Tonight with John Oliver lead segment focused on China and Xi Jinping, which feels like a worthy subject. Some of the best segments that this show does are the ones that focus on other countries, especially when it comes to learning information you may not have known already.

On the surface, there are a few things that so many of us know about China, including that it has a lot of people and the United States is in the midst of serious trade drama with the country. Oliver’s segment was mostly all about how Xi has set things up to create an environment in which he can lead the country for many years to come. He discussed censorship, certain words that could / could not be used, and also how he is apparently offended about comparisons between himself and Winnie the Pooh.

This was a segment that was about foreign relations, about censorship, and about complication. Oliver’s main premise at the end of the day here seemed to be that no matter what you say about China, it doesn’t seem to matter. They are so powerful that everyone wants to do business with him, and with that, they are afraid to anger Xi or anyone else in power.

Also, we have a feeling that this segment is not going to be available for anyone to watch in China. It ended tonight with a singalong parody of a video released by China to promote its agenda, one that showcased a few of its “secrets” but, at least compared to the rest of the segment, was somewhat underwhelming. Hear kids curse on cable TV isn’t really as shocking as it once was a few years ago.

Related Take a look at more discussion regarding Oliver’s opening segment, themed around Jeff Sessions and children being separated at the US border

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