Lucifer season 4 and the latest social-media campaign to make it happen


Want to continue to fight to #SaveLucifer? We certainly hope so! The battle is far from over at the moment — while we all wait to see if another network/streaming provider is going to pick up Lucifer, one of the best things we all can do is rally via social media.

With that in mind, fighting to get trending topics is one of the best things that we call can control across the internet. What this does, effectively, is show potential homes that the fan base is not only determined, but unified to create free publicity for the show and generate attention. It’s also a reminder that LuciFans aren’t going away anytime soon.

Of course, sometimes trending is easier said than done since Twitter’s algorithms are tricky. It’s an odd comparison, but think of it as a hot-dog eating contest. If you can eat a ton of hot dogs in a very short period of time, it’s impressive — especially if you don’t spend a lot of time chowing down on hot dogs in the days leading up to it. Twitter is attracted to sudden spikes in activity, such as getting a lot of attention around a hashtag that wasn’t getting a lot of love leading up to it. We just all have to be competitive tweeters, similar in a way to competitive eaters.

With all of this in mind, there is a plan in place to get #Lucifer trending on Monday night starting at 6:00 p.m. Eastern time. As you can see below in the tweet via LuciferContest, the plan is to use #Lucifer within the time period specified (6:00 p.m. until 11:00 p.m.) and then use #PickUpLucifer and #SaveLucifer in the time before an after it. In concentrating #Lucifer, there’s a better chance of Twitter’s algorithm picking it up. We’d advise everyone who wants to get the show trending to start doing so frantically right at 6:00 p.m. — just like it’s noteworthy when Joey Chestnut eats a ton of hot dogs in a super-short period of time, it’s the most impactful for Twitter if there are a huge number of people using #Lucifer all at once. Let’s get that trending and we’ll see what happens on the other side of it.

Related Check out another update on the campaign, alongside why a renewal matters

We know that there’s still a lot of optimism out there around the campaign — hopefully, there’s some good news that comes via Warner Bros. TV / the show’s producers in the weeks to come. We know that there are many homes out there that would be a good fit for Lucifer season 4, but we haven’t heard too much when it comes to specifics as of right now.

While you wait, be sure to like CarterMatt on Facebook! Once there is some additional news to report, that’s where we will have it. (Photo: Warner Bros. TV.)

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