Fear the Walking Dead midseason finale promo: The Madison mystery
As for why there are so many questions surrounding Madison’s fate, it’s not all that hard to figure out some answers to that. For starters, nobody in the present-day timeline has actually spoken about her — suggesting that she is at this point out of sight and out of mind. Also, we’ve seen her make some risky decisions already regarding the stadium and knowing her, we’re not putting it past her that she made some sort of big, super-heroic decision for the sake of saving some other people.
Yet, there is another question that comes out of all of this: Is everything too easy to guess? Given that we’ve already lost Frank Dillane this season and Cliff Curtis at the start of last season, is it too early to lose another cast member? For us to be at the end of the road with Madison at this point feels almost too predictable — ultimately, it seems like this is what the show’s producers want you to believe more so than anything else.
The more interesting twist, at least for us, on the subject of Madison is that she’s been hiding out somewhere else, whether it be with surprising characters or completely on her own. It’d be kind of hilarious if she was on her way to The Walking Dead universe after it took so long to get Rick Grimes over to this show … not that we think that this is altogether likely. Fear the Walking Dead needs all of the original cast members it can given that there aren’t many left.
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