The Originals season 5: Phoebe Tonkin thanks fans following Hayley shocker
Make no mistake: It stinks to lose her at this point, and we saw that completely unaware of whether or not the writers will figure out a way to bring her back for another encore before the series finale. We do recognize that this is the sort of show where the impossible can be possible, and that is where we have some sort of hope that there could be another way in which to have her return (even if it’s just an appearance in the afterlife).
For the time being, though, we have to assume the worst — and that includes thinking that Hayley is dead and gone. We’ll take the show at its word and with that, take Phoebe Tonkin’s goodbye on Instagram as simply that. In a recent post, here is what she had to say to the fans, many of whom have been around since all the way back when The Vampire Diaries came on the air:
“[Director Charles Michael Davis] was very chilled and relaxed directing last nights episode of the Originals … Thank you for sticking with Hayley’s journey over the past 5 seasons. Very grateful for the friends and memories.”
If we do consider this to be the end for the Hayley character, we believe that it will make some sort of possible reappearance (if it happens) all the more emotionally resonant. We’re down with that, given that we want to see the series give us something that is super-interesting insofar as an ending goes that we’ll remember for some time.
Alas, The Originals must go on — if you want to get some other information regarding what lies ahead, you can do that just by heading over to the link here.
Meanwhile, be sure to like CarterMatt on Facebook to secure some additional updates the moment that they are posted on the site. (Photo: The CW.)