Another Timeless deleted scene, and the value of these being released
You can see this one below, as the primary focus here is on watching Wyatt struggle with Lucy being gone. This isn’t the most substantial sneak peek that we’ve had a chance to write about, but let’s face it: Any Matt Lanter is better than no Matt Lanter at all.
Beyond the sneak peek release, though, one of the subjects that we do want to focus on a little more intently at the moment is simply this: What is the overall value to some of these sneak peeks, and how much is it helping to keep the show and its renewal hopes alive? While it may not be bringing in any money into NBC’s coffers, one of the things that it is rather effective in doing is making sure that the network remembers that there is this eager, excited fan following out there who wants to do just about everything in their power to keep this series alive. We know that Timeless fans will do anything within their power to spread the word about these sneak peeks and continue to tell as many of their friends as possible to watch the show. There are still many people out there still discovering the show.
In the end, though, the biggest thing that we can say if you love Timeless is this — you’ve already done a remarkable job. No matter what NBC decides, don’t be discouraged and think that you somehow haven’t done enough to support the show. While we still have a lot of hope for another season, some factors are of course very much out of our control.
Related – Be sure to get some another recent sneak peek regarding a young version of Agent Christopher
What do you think about this latest Timeless deleted scene? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments!
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