Elementary season 7 writers room opening up soon…


For those who are really interested in Elementary season 7 already, we come bearing some great news! As it turns out, the show’s writers room will be opening sooner rather than later. This was confirmed recently in a post on Twitter via Robert Hewitt Wolfe, which you can see below.

The timing of the writers room opening up at the moment is a signal of why CBS chose to renew the show as early as they did. In doing so, what they did was ensure that Elementary could operate on the same sort of schedule that it has over the past few years.

What we’re still excited to learn some more about is how many episodes we’re going to get from this latest batch, given the fact that season 6 originally only had 13 episodes before being given eight more after the fact. Its 21-episode season is mostly airing over the summer and we personally don’t quite understand why the show cannot do the same thing all over again.

Related Be sure to get some more news, including a preview for what’s coming up on Monday night’s new episode!

Hopefully, we’ll get a chance to learn when Elementary is going to premiere come midseason — it’s not on the CBS fall schedule, but we didn’t exactly expect that. We do think that there is this temptation to sit here and craft some sort of elaborate wishlist for what to expect, but that’s also rather hard simply due to the fact that we don’t even know how season 6 is going to end yet! We’re not even close to the halfway point there. It’s rather unusual, especially for a network show, that one is reopening the writers room so early in the rom, but that is the position that Elementary does now find itself in because of the shift to summer and the need to keep the production schedule the way it is.

Are you excited about Elementary season 7 already? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments!

Meanwhile, be sure to also like CarterMatt on Facebook for some other insight right now in the event you want some more insight in regards to the show. (Photo: CBS.)

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