Timeless season 3 renewal decision coming after season 2 finale

Timeless season 2 key art

Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear as though we’re going to learn about a Timeless season 3 renewal until after the season 2 finale airs on Sunday night.

While speaking to reporters on a conference call (via TVLine), NBC’s programming boss Robert Greenblatt confirmed that a decision will come down at the conclusion of the show’s current run. This could mean one of two different things — either NBC wants to see the final ratings before rendering a verdict on the show, or they don’t want anything they say now to impact viewing for the finale.

At the moment if you’re a Timeless fan, the biggest thing that we can tell you is to watch the finale and watch it LIVE — we understand in 2018 that this isn’t the best thing in the world to do, but it will help the show the most. This goes tenfold if you either have a Nielsen box or know someone who has a Nielsen box. These will give the show better sampling and, in turn, better odds.

We don’t want to say too much about the finale … other than of course it is must-watch TV and it will bring forward the overall story in some huge ways. We definitely do think that there is room for a third season after it, and we want to see the show come back as much as anyone. While the series isn’t on the NBC fall schedule, it was never going to be given how it performed for much of season 2. That was never the objective here.

We’ll be back later tonight with more coverage on the Timeless finale the moment after it wraps — we’re hoping for a renewal announcement soon but recognize with this show that things really could go either way. The ratings are not great but, at the same time, the fan support is like very few other shows out there.

Do you want to see a Timeless season 3 renewal happen? Be sure to share some of your thoughts right now in the comments!

Meanwhile, be sure to also like CarterMatt on Facebook to secure some additional news right now when it comes to the series. (Photo: NBC.)

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