Big Brother Canada 6 finale: And the winner is…

Paras Atashnak

Tonight, Big Brother Canada 6 gave you the final episode of the season, and like some that we’ve seen on the show in the past, we imagine that there will be some debate over whether or not the right person won.

Let’s start things off here by presenting the facts. Paras won the final Head of Household, evicted Derek, and then following that defeated Kaela in a near-unanimous jury vote. Paras is your winner! The only person to give a vote to Kaela was Derek, understandably.

Now, it’s time for the whole bitter-jury debate. Is there such a thing? We go back and forth on this. There are winners who we’ve thought were wrong choices over the years, both in terms of the American and Canadian show. Yet, we always come back to this: Attitude. How do you treat people on their way out the door? For Kaela, many of her problems came when she promised everything in the world to Erica only to later nominate her. Had she been straight-up, she would’ve had so much more respect from her; yet, that frustration extended to Johnny and Kaela totally lost him. Meanwhile, Paras made sure that she was good with Ryan, that she got along with Johnny, and that Will and Maddy were always on her side. Kaela spent so much time with Derek that she didn’t cultivate a lot of other relationships and make them feel good about her game. Showmances sometimes can make it harder for someone to win for this reason.

Paras’ big victory here should be getting both Olivia and Ali’s votes, given that there were many times this season that they were at odds. Those votes ultimately didn’t matter since she could’ve won without them, but that speaks to her ability to communicate. Her intellect is something she tried to bury at the start of the game and it really paid off for her.

Now, we’re going to go off and celebrate. Paras marks our third correct winner pick for Big Brother Canada after Jillian and Jon Pardy. From her pre-game interview on Paras just had a good grasp of how she wanted to play and what would be beneficial for her game. She acted on it and won precisely when she had to.

For those wondering…

We will have interviews come tomorrow with Paras, Kaela, and Derek! you’re absolutely going to want to check some of those out and we’ll have them over at the link here.

For some more insight, check out the video below! Remember that you can get more just by subscribing to CarterMatt on YouTube.

What do you think about the Big Brother Canada 6 finale and did the right person win? Be sure to share right now in the comments!

Meanwhile, be sure to also like CarterMatt on Facebook for more news and other assorted updates when it comes to the series. (Photo: Global.)


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