Big Brother Canada 6: Who was eliminated at final four?
As soon as it was clear via the live feeds that Kaela was the recipient of the final four Veto, at that point we felt reasonably confident that the person we were going to see head to jury was Will. He hadn’t won a single competition all season and there was just no real value in Kaela keeping him over Derek. After all, there was at least a chance that Derek could take her to the end of the season. Meanwhile, there was almost no chance of that with Will.
In thinking about Will’s game a little bit over the course of the season, we did think pre-game he had potential to be an affable guy who could wave in some strategy into his natural personality. That turned out to not be the case. He didn’t really have the physical edge and he also didn’t have much of an interest in being proactive strategically. He would’ve likely lost to almost anyone he went to the end with just because there were no moves he could claim. (We’re of course thinking that the jury makes a decision based on gameplay as opposed to whether or not Kaela was too arrogant or did them dirty. We’re also apparently assuming that Kaela was there.)
What’s next?
In addition to some of our finale coverage, over the course of the next 24 hours we’re going to also share some of our picks for potential all-stars and some other things we’d love to see on the series next season. we don’t believe that the lack of live feeds inhibits our ability to continue to talk about the series at all.
Related – Be sure to get some other news right away when it comes to the series!
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