Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Maddy’s talk with Kaela
The pitch that Maddy made early this evening to Kaela was firmly simple: Get rid of Derek this week since the plan was to get rid of him down the road. This would keep her from being against Derek in the final three, which could happen given that Derek is a competition threat. He may say that he doesn’t want to reward someone like Will with second place, but that could very much change the moment that the final three actually happens.
Unfortunately for Maddy, we’re not sure that any of her pitches worked out for her — especially the part where she told Kaela that if Derek was Head of Household, he would be trying to get her out this week. The bigger implication to what’s happening this week is simply this: Kaela may have even more of a reason to get rid of Maddy this week. She clearly finds it suspicious that Maddy is trying to get rid of Derek rather than the person she is on the block against in Paras. Maddy claims that she will get to Paras out of the Veto Ceremony, but there’s nothing about Maddy’s pitch right now that reeks of anything other than desperation. It’s a notable attempt for her, but the problem is that Kaela is not an idiot. If you are going to come to her with a pitch that dramatically changes your game, you have to be bringing some legitimate points and a whole lot of clarity. Unfortunately, Maddy doesn’t quite have that.
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