Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: The final five Veto winner!
For starters, this Veto not only determines who is safe and who could remove themselves from the block, but if Will wins it, it could seal the fate of Derek as the person to go home this week. All he needs to do is win, and after that Kaela is forced to nominate her showmance. That would be one of the most exciting twists in a season that hasn’t exactly had a whole lot of them from start to finish.
Unfortunately, we didn’t have our hopes high for this sort of thing to happen going into the Veto, in large part because Will hasn’t won much of anything. The same goes for Maddy and Paras. Kaela and Derek have dominated the competitions as of late and there hasn’t been a whole lot of a reason to think that this could change.
So who ended up winning? Kaela! Yep, nothing really matters and this probably means that Maddy is a goner unless she and Paras can actually do something really crazy and convince Kaela to nominate Derek. That’s probably not happening. This is going to be almost certainly be one of the most predictable evictions of the season and we have to be prepared for that now, with the same being for a predictable finish. Until someone other than Kaela and Derek can prove that they’ve got any real ability to win comps, it’s hard to have confidence in a different result.
The one thing we find amusing is Derek professing that he would take Kaela to the end because someone like Will doesn’t deserve second place … even though Kaela would have no problem doing that at all.
Related – Be sure to check out some other news when it comes to the live feeds!
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