Blue Bloods season 8 episode 20 review: Who took the sergeant’s exam?

Blue Bloods season 8

What happened on Blue Bloods season 8 episode 20? This episode had a number of interesting surprises, especially when we got around to the closing minutes of the hour.

To be specific, we really enjoyed seeing Anthony fight for Erin, making sure that she was A) okay and that B) Jack Boyle wasn’t taking advantage of her. He flipped out after a fender-bender, especially when he ran the plates of the person responsible and thought that it was Jack. Watching Anthony fight for her shows that he cares, but he also didn’t really need to anywhere near as much as this episode may have made you think given that, as it turned out, it wasn’t Jack behind the wheel. Anthony got all up in Jack’s business for nothing and while Erin made it clear to him that she didn’t need him being overprotective, she also did appreciate it.

Now, let’s get to the story of Jamie and a possible promotion, one that was a key point of discussion going into the episode. Would he opt to go for the sergeant’s exam? We know that this was something that many people exacted to see going into the episode, but Jamie wasn’t altogether interested in going along with it. Eddie decided that she would consider going through with taking the exam instead, which is something that we liked from the vantage point of her making a move to better ensure her future.

After a conversation with Frank in which Tom Selleck’s character put the pressure on Jamie, we learned further that Jamie was going to be an immovable object on this. He still liked where he was and was happy to help Eddie study for it instead. As a matter of fact, he even helped her study for it! We can’t speak enough to how we loved this twist, given that it was a little bit different and unexpected from what we expect from a series that is so focused on the Reagans. This allows Eddie to be in a power position for a change and with that, get an opportunity that may not have been as easily afforded to her as someone who is related to one of New York City’s most-prominent crime-fighting families.

What’s the funniest about this episode is that the return of Victor Lugo behind bars, notable as it was, actually wasn’t the most notable thing about this episode at all. Instead, it felt almost like the most forgettable part as Danny used him to take on a new case. The thing that we may actually remember the most was Jamie being late for family dinner (a rarity!) because he was helping Eddie study for the exam.

CarterMatt Verdict

As a whole, Blue Bloods season 8 episode 20 was a pretty exceptional hour stuffed full of a lot of great drama — plus, opportunities to see characters like Eddie and Anthony in new lights. While we love the Reagans, this was a nice reminder that the show isn’t only about them.

What did you think about Blue Bloods season 8 episode 20 overall? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! 

(Photo: CBS.)

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