Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Is everyone thinking the wrong way?
What came as a result of this was largely a game of he said, she said as we lead up to seeing either Ali or Kaela leave the game Thursday in what is the most important eviction of the season. This leads into a triple eviction and while the houseguests don’t know that for certain at the moment, they feel that something is coming … as they really should given where things are in the game and just how many weeks there are left.
It’s sad that in some ways that now Will is the voice of reason for looking at Thursday’s eviction in the simplest terms: Who is the most threatening to win the next Head of Household? It doesn’t really matter that much who they side with at this point given the fact that three people are going on the block in the triple and regardless of the nominees, there’s still a chance for chaos given that the Veto could remove someone and someone else could go up. For example, if Derek wins Head of Household and nominates, Ali, Olivia, and Johnny, one of them could win Veto and Will, Maddy, or Paras could go up. They need to just work to guarantee they have the best chance of getting that HoH.
With that, Will wants to get rid of Kaela this week since if she goes, so goes a threat and Derek may be a little rattled and not competing as well in the Head of Household Competition. They just need to win HoH and use that to either get rid of either Derek or Johnny and then a member of Ali / Olivia. If they can do that, they have a much better path towards winning their way to the end of the game. None of these people have really won much yet, but with Derek and Johnny out after Kaela you’re really raising your odds.
Ultimately, it would be nice to see either Will or Maddy do something after spending the majority of this season being bumps on a log and not really doing much in the game.
Related – Be sure to get some other insight when it comes to the live feeds
Who would you send home if you were Will or Maddy: Kaela or Ali? Share right now in the comments!
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