Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Preparing for Veto Ceremony (day 51)
(Quick aside: Before the season we asked most of these people what they were going to do to entertain some live feed viewers at home — mostly of them made it clear that they would be fun and we’re wondering where much of that is now.)
As of right now, here is the plan when it comes to the Veto Ceremony: Derek is going to remove himself from the block and based on what Johnny said tonight, you are going to be seeing the replacement nominee be Ali. Paras in particular has done a good job the past day or so of influencing him in that direction, especially via the implication that Derek/Kaela would work with Ali and Olivia in the event that they all stay. Nominating Ali puts an end to all of that but, in the process, it also means that Ali is going to be voted out of the game.
Ultimately, Johnny is just in a position where he needs to win out of he wants to get to the final two, and the same can probably be said for Derek/Kaela. Paras doesn’t want to ride with them forever, but she realizes that with a possible Triple Eviction coming, she wants to ensure that she is safe in as many different scenarios as possible. A good way in which for her to do that is by being in good with people like Kaela and Derek, who are likely to win the next HoH. She’s potentially in more danger with either Ali or Olivia in power.
Related – Check out some more insight right now when it comes to the live feeds
All in all, we’ll be back tomorrow with the Veto Ceremony results and more.
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