Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Week 7 Veto Ceremony reuslts
In the end, the Power of Veto (owned by Derek) was not used, and in the end we are now facing a situation where either Ryan or Johnny is leaving the game on Thursday night. Of the two, we would say right now that Johnny is going to leave the game just based on where some of the numbers are right now. Because Derek holds the tie-breaker at this particular moment in time, you have to think with a certain degree of confidence that this is going to be a factor.
Yet, we do think that we are going to continue to see Johnny fight. Both Ali and Olivia are interested in getting him to say, but the problem here is that Kaela is for sure responsible for one vote. Meanwhile, Paras has another and she’s very influential with Maddy. She also has been working on Will. It may not be as tough to get Will on board to saving Johnny, but getting almost anyone else could be a challenge. The only argument that Johnny can make now is going to Kaela and others claiming that he wants to target Ali / Olivia … even if he doesn’t necessarily mean anything that he says.
The next few days are going to be about convincing and/or switching the vote around, if that it is at all possible. We do think that there are many fun things that could come along with that; as a matter of fact, strategic moves all about the vote are among one of the things that we love the most about Big Brother and the franchise as a whole over time.
Related – Be sure to check out some other insight right now when it comes to the live feeds!
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