Big Brother Canada 6 eviction: Who was sent home in shocking vote?
We were somewhat skeptical as to whether or not that could happen, mostly because for much of the season Ryan was not that popular of a player. He was a super-fan of the show who benefited the most from being an underdog at the right time. Also, he repeatedly begged for a twist on the feeds, which is something that we don’t really love all that much.
Yet, Ryan did get that twist! We started to think that he would once Kevin Martin started lobbying for him on social media. He was safe, which meant in turn that Kaela nominated Erica Hill for eviction (after some segments that made this feel almost like a double eviction) … and she went home in what has to be one of the more stunning moments of the entire season. Erica was one of the most dominating forces in the history of the Canadian show. She won multiple Head of Household and Veto Competitions, and beyond that showed that she was a pretty solid social and strategic player as well. She had allies, and did well enough here to avoid going on the block at first despite being an obvious threat.
Unfortunately, she fell victim to the fact that she was too good. If Erica wasn’t gone soon, she would’ve won the game. Ironically, we’re going to mention Kevin Martin again — we think his performance last year has made people increasingly nervous that someone like her could just win every competition on her way to the end of the game. (The two who voted to evict Will were Johnny and Ryan.) Erica definitely had some strong words after her eviction, especially to Derek and Kaela.
Ultimately, we’ll see how the rest of the season goes … but for now, let’s just all breathe a little bit. Even if you hate the twists they’re a part of the game and have been from the beginning of the Canadian show.
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What did you think about Canada saving Ryan, and then also what ended up being the consequences of it? Share in the comments!
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