Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Is Johnny in hot water?
The big miscalculation Johnny has made in the game is the same one many have made this season: Thinking as though Kaela is a wallflower. We don’t really have a lot of sympathy for a lot of these players at the moment for thinking that this is someone who could be so easily controlled in the game. She’s far more devious than anyone thinks, especially since they just have considered her a part of a showmance. It’s really their own fault for letting her and Derek get this far.
In her conversation with Ali tonight we saw Kaela really spin a yarn when it comes to some of what Johnny said about targeting her. She made some stuff up and worked hard to ensure that Ali will 100% target Johnny in the near future. It’s also clear that Erica and Johnny are working together and with that, there may be more heat on Erica than there would have been otherwise. Johnny is debating using the Veto in order to save Will and in the event that happens, it would be pretty darn ironic if Kaela nominated Erica and she goes home. (We don’t think all of this is going to happen, but it’s an interesting thought.)
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Also tonight, Paras didn’t really earn herself any favors with Kaela after only circling back to tell her about some Johnny-related gossip until when it came up in conversation. Basically, they think that Paras is withholding information from them. The main reason that there’s not any serious heat on her in the game is because she’s done such a good job of making people think she’s not a threat. Unfortunately, so did Godfrey and we all saw how that worked out for him at the end of his season. Right now, we’re thinking that Paras could be the new Godfrey — not a statement we thought we’d make going into the show.
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