Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Johnny’s big debate

Johnny Mulder

Should Johnny use the Power of Veto? That is something that he is currently thinking about in the Big Brother Canada 6 house, mostly because of one simple thing: His fear that something crazy could happen and Will could be sent home. He values Will and with that, he’s a little more nervous than he would be if someone else is on the block against Ryan.

It’s clear already that Johnny is probably going to be debating this all day; he’s already had conversations with both Erica and Ali about it, ones in which he’s noted some of the clear advantages and disadvantages in seeing if Kaela would nominate someone like Paras instead. Even if nothing really changes and Ryan goes home, it could give him a little bit of peace of mind. There are still two major issues with this plan.

1. Paras is closer to Derek and Kaela than Johnny realizes – There are some trust issues there, but it’s not necessarily guaranteed that she would be the replacement nominee. The same goes for Maddy. You can’t draw assumptions from other players, especially since there is that crazy possibility that Kaela decides to go big in that moment and nominate Erica instead to try and get rid of one of the game’s biggest targets. (Ryan has actually pitched to Johnny an alliance with the two of them plus Erica, Olivia, and Ali to go far in the game.)

2. The new power that could come into play this week – The houseguests aren’t aware of this, but things may get crazy this week if Canada decides to use their power to save someone on the block on Wednesday. Imagine Johnny using the Veto only for Canada to then save Ryan, which means that Kaela could end up having to nominate FOUR different people in the same week. That’s certainly bad for Kaela. What’s also bad for Kaela is people starting to think about splitting up her and Derek soon — Ali had a discussion about it, but feels a little bit nervous to go through with it because she doesn’t want the remaining person coming after her if she makes the move while Head of Household.

Related Check out some other news when it comes to the Big Brother Canada live feeds!

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