Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Week 6 Veto players

Ryan Ballantine

This morning in the Big Brother Canada 6 house the week 6 Veto players have been named, and unless something interesting happens with the Power of Veto Competition all signs points towards a pretty predictable week.

Of course, Kaela as Head of Household is competing in the Veto, and the same goes for nominees Will and Ryan. Beyond that, you’ve got Erica, Derek, and Johnny all taking part. Basically, this is almost a worst-case scenario for Ryan as he tries to win the necklace. He knows that nobody else is going to use it on him, and unfortunately he’s competing against Erica (the biggest challenge threat in the game) and then also Johnny with a handful of wins as well. Derek is certainly capable in his own right, and we have to think that Will could win if properly motivated. This competition is going to be one of the first real occasions in which he could be going all-out so we’re interested in seeing what happens.

In general though, this week seems even less exciting than last week when it comes to the vote. At least with last week there was some interesting debate over who could go home. The problem here for Ryan is that he’s almost in that position where he is the ultimate scapegoat and it’s just so easy for everyone else to throw him under the bus for things. That’s actually what we expect for the next few days — Ryan will be blamed for almost every bit of deception in the game and then after he’s gone, players like Paras will have to find someone else to blame. While we had some issues with Paras’ game earlier in the season, her losing Jesse was probably the best thing that could’ve happened to her. We’re now happier than ever that she was our winner pick going into the season.

Related Read our full exit interview now with Merron!

Would Canada actually save Ryan?

They have a chance to thanks to the twist, but most of that will probably depend on the edit. If the editors make everyone feel super-sorry for him, there is still a chance that we could see that happen. Otherwise, it’s hard to see it since he’s really dug his own grave.

What do you expect to see happen with the Power of Veto in the Big Brother Canada house this week? Share right now in the attached comments!

Meanwhile, be sure to like CarterMatt on Facebook in the event you want to get some other insight when it comes to the game. It’s a great way to keep up with our reviews, live feed updates and interviews with the houseguests. (Photo: Global.)

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