Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Nominations and fallout
For starters, just look at how Paras worked in part to change the nominations at the last minute. Originally, it was supposed to be Maddy and Will on the block, but instead Kaela changed it to having Ryan and Will on there. She’s more than happy to see Will leave the game at the moment, and he’s such an easy target to send out. Ryan was apparently blasted during Kaela’s nomination speech and he knows at this point that he is largely on borrowed time in the game. He’s tried to do some scrambling with Maddy, but what does it matter? He’s got to go and win the Power of Veto and unless it’s a mental competition of some sort, the odds are not altogether high that he is going to be able to do that.
If Ryan does win the Veto things could get interesting, mostly because some of that pressure is going to be put on Kaela to backdoor Johnny. This was something that was talked about at times already this week. Heck, even if Kaela wins the Veto herself there could be some people who come to her and talk about it at length. This is a chance for her to make a bigger move than getting rid of Ryan, which, no matter how you try and spin it, really isn’t a big move to anyone. This is just a way to get through the week without doing anything to put a bigger target on yourself.
Related – Be sure to check out some additional news, including our recent interview with Merron
As for whether or not we foresee Canada saving either one of these nominees with the new twist, we’re not altogether sure — though the East Coasters could come out for Will if they think that he is in serious danger.
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