Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Who’s the next HoH?
While in theory this sounds simple, there were of course some surprises that we ended up seeing along the way in the form of temptations. Will, for example, dropped, ran, and hit a separate button for an opportunity to be able to have a phone message from his son. Derek, meanwhile, ended up hitting the button so that he could be safe for the week.
In the end, though, Derek didn’t really need the safety since Kaela is the new Head of Household! She outlasted everyone and now has a chance to impact the game in a way that she really hasn’t for most of the season. This is going to be one of the more intriguing Head of Household reigns just because of the fact that she wasn’t on the same page with many in the house this past week — so what does she decide to do about it?
If Kaela wants an easy week in power, she can just put Ryan up alongside a pawn and then ultimately send him home. However, this could be a prime opportunity to take out a serious threat like Erica. You don’t know yet if she is going to even play in the Veto, so with that you could get rid of the biggest remaining competition player now without her getting a chance. Johnny and Will seem to be some other possibilities for her, and these are good targets just because they’ve been pretty safe in the house so far.
It’s going to take a little while for her to figure out whatever her next move is going to be and with that in mind, we’re going to be back in the morning with some more news in terms of what’s happening from the feeds.
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