Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Veto Ceremony results (day 31)

Johnny Mulder

The Veto Ceremony is now over and done with in the Big Brother Canada 6 house but we come bearing news that many out there probably predicted: Absolutely nothing has changed when it comes to nominations. Both Ryan and Merron are now on the block, and one of them will leave the game on Thursday. Johnny ended up respecting Erica’s wishes as Head of Household.

One thing that has changed a little bit in comparison to last night is the mood surrounding some of these players in the house. As of last night, it felt like Merron was the more concerned of the two while Ryan was running around boasting about how he was probably safe. Now, it feels a little more like he is worried. Maybe that’s the reality of the nomination setting in, or maybe someone tipped him off that he could be blindsided (which was the plan, almost to punish him for his arrogance).

Ryan is already campaigning for his spot in the game moving forward, which is mostly a good thing for Merron rather than for him. Ryan has a habit of talking himself into trouble and he is probably doing that here, just like he’s talked himself into being the target for some people this week. He’s in a tough spot because he keeps trying to have serious game talks with people even though he’s not really known as a serious player to many people. Nobody has really gotten over the fact that he nominated his own allies in Hamza and Andrew because that’s what he felt the house wanted. Not only did that establish him as shady, but it also made him look like a not-great player.

Maybe something will change over the next few days but we hardly think it will be because of anything that Ryan does. Instead, there could be a new alliance or plan that he stumbles into. All Merron needs to do, at least right now, is set back and watch Ryan implode.

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