Big Brother Canada live feed spoilers: Ryan versus Ryan’s ego

Ryan Ballantine

To think, we weren’t going to have anything altogether entertaining on the Big Brother Canada live feeds this week before Ryan came along and decided to screw up his own game all over again.

Does this guy want to go home for some reason? We wonder, given that he’s wandered around and told everyone how safe he feels — including Merron, the guy who he is on the block with. He’s basically been so arrogant that it’s peeved off enough people into sending him home and not telling him about it in advance. You don’t want to give people a reason to clown you; yet, Ryan has seemingly done just that. Him and his giant red beard could be walking out the door on Thursday — with an emphasis on the world “could.” The blindside has been talked about but it’s also super-early in the week and we don’t think that anything is altogether set in stone just yet.

With that in mind, there are plenty of players in the house who are also starting to take a look ahead at next week. We think that whoever survives in between Merron and Ryan will be safe for a while given that Kaela and Derek are too dangerous a duo to be completely ignored. Beyond that, we foresee someone wanting to take a shot at Erica given just how many competitions that she’s won as of late. These three are probably the biggest targets left based on alliances and competition ability. There’s already speculation in there on a triple-eviction, even though nothing has been confirmed on that from the outside.

Related Be sure to get some other news when it comes to Big Brother Canada!

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The feeds are a lot less crazy now and we’re not sure where some of the big drama is going to come from now. There are a lot of big fans of the show in there and while that can be great for strategy, it’s also not the best when it comes to people completely losing their minds or stirring the pot.

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