Deception season 1 episode 3 review: Black goes for the perfect escape

In this latest episode of ABC’s Deception Cameron Black and the FBI have the task of figuring out how to rescue famous paintings and an innocent museum worker, Joan.

The person behind the crime has installed his own video cameras so he can see the FBI, the paintings, and Joan. While the FBI figures out what the criminal’s view is from his cameras, Black and his team track down the only other person who successfully broke into the museum before to ask him how he did it. The only problem is the person is in jail. Cue Johnny, who joins the cause after Black tells him about Joan.

After successfully gaining the information from the prisoner, Black and his crew begin to set up for the escape trick. However, Black only has ten minutes left on the countdown before the criminal blows the rest of the gallery up. The trick includes using a mirror to trick the camera into thinking that everything is okay. Black sets the room up perfectly to trick the criminal and it does. Just as the criminal blows the rest of his bombs, Black and Kay rescues the paintings and Joan, the only problem is that the criminal is still on the loose. During this scene we also learn more about Kay’s sister who died from an overdose and loved art, which is why Kay went to help Black retrieve the paintings.

What’s different about this episode was the trick wasn’t toward the end. This time it was toward the middle of the episode and even after the trick was completed, we were still interested in seeing where the rest of the episode was headed.

As clean up continues, Gunther informs the crew that they can trace the bomb and its parts in order to identify the criminal. We also are starting to see a romantic connection between Dina and Mike. Maybe this is the romantic relationship we were told we wouldn’t see coming? If it is, the series is setting up a relationship between the two very nicely. You can see the like each other without overdoing it too early in the first season.

As Gunther finds cell technology hidden in the bomb, Kay discovers that the painting that was blown up was a fake and that the hostage situation was really heist. Kay and Mike trace the cell technology to an apartment and find only a dead man. Mike and Kay discover he works at the museum and that he was probably shot by his partner or boss of the operation. Only Kay realizes that the partner was Joan, only she was acting out of love.

The plot further thickens when Joan and Black are captured and attacked. However, thanks to Jordan’s GPS tracker, Kay knows how to find them. As always Black uses his magic tricks to escape once again to bring the criminal to justice. Only the criminal was the son of one of the owners of the paintings who wanted it for himself and he was jealous of his father’s love for the art.

What we liked about this episode was all the twists and turns. Every time we thought the problem was resolved, we got thrown for a loop. It was great and definitely something the show should keep in mind for the future.

Deception airs Sundays at 10 p.m. on ABC.

This story was written by Samantha D’Amico.

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