Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Week 4 Veto players (day 22)

Merron Haile

This morning the week 4 Veto players were chosen in the Big Brother Canada house, and this continues to set the stage for what should be a pretty interesting week of game.

Joining Head of Household Erica and the nominations for the week in Merron and Maddy are Ali, Olivia, and Ryan, which is a really good draw just in terms of people who will probably try to win the necklace in order to change things up for the week. Even though many people are pitching Erica hard to us this opportunity to backdoor Veronica we don’t think that she made these nominations with an explicit backdoor target in mind. Her plan seems to just be to let Maddy go since she isn’t working with her and this is a move that won’t get too much blood on her hands for now. Yet, if Ali or Olivia win some of that pressure to make a big move could come up again. Erica already told Ryan that he wouldn’t be a replacement nominee, so he at least can breathe a little bit easier.

As for who could survive if Merron and Maddy stay on the block for the rest of the week, Ali and Olivia are convinced that keeping Maddy around could be beneficial since they think that she would appreciate the gesture and maybe be loyal to them for a while. Paras, meanwhile, seems to be reasonably okay with letting Maddy go mostly because she thinks for herself and doesn’t really do what anyone else tells her. With Merron, she feels like he will do what she tells him to, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he is the right person to keep right now. Paras is absolutely in the camp of not wanting to see Veronica go on the block, largely because she’s a pretty big shield who can stand in front of her — also, she’s easily influenced. (We write a lot about Paras in these updates just because she’s kind enough to commonly tell us precisely what she’s thinking.)

Related Check out our recent exit interview with Jesse!

The Veto will take place later today and, as per usual, we’ll have another update from the live feeds the moment that it has wrapped.

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