Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: The week 4 HoH is…
While the full HoH competition wasn’t revealed on Thursday night’s new episode of the show, tonight on the feeds it was confirmed that it is Erica who now has the power for the days to come! That should make for a very interesting next few days, mostly because of the fact that she is someone who has a fairly fluid status in the house and has some allies on many different sides.
For those of you who don’t want the game predictable, Erica winning is certainly more interesting than someone like Ali or Will, whose nominations may have been a little more predictable and easier to call.
Now that we’ve said that, we do think that Erica is putting herself at present into a position where she is a really big target. She’s won a Power of Veto and Head of Household already, and she’s probably a much better strategic and social player than Hamza is (even if Hamza thinks that he is the best player of all time every now and then).She’s a big threat and given that she’s been immune now effectively for three straight weeks, people may be starting to take note of that.
There was a little bit of fun that comes in the aftermath of Erica’s HoH win tonight, and that’s the crazy paranoia that comes along with Veronica intentionally throwing in a hinky vote that, so far, she seems to be excellently pinning on other people. Right now Paras and Maddy are the two top suspects of it (the other vote to keep Jesse came from Derek), and we feel like this could be a fun story to follow.
Related – More on tonight’s eviction.
The only thing that could cause a little bit of trouble here for Veronica presumably is the fact that she is already known for being wild and unpredictable. With that in mind, it absolutely makes sense for her to be the hinky vote more so than it would for anyone else.
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