Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Alliance chaos, Paras’ morning monologue (day 19)

Paras Atashnak

There are so many people who go into the Big Brother Canada house making big proclamations that they can never live up to, with one of the biggest ones being Ryan claiming that he wants to be thought of as one of the greatest players in the history of the show.

Yet, kudos to Paras for continuing to hold true to her promise to communicate directly with feeders. It gives us rare, unfiltered insight into where she stands in the game — and also seemingly how bitter she is over Jesse being taken out over Olivia this week. We do get where she’s coming from, since someone she felt to be a close ally is getting removed from the game over someone she thinks is coming after her. Yet, she needs to also look at things from the perspective of everyone else. Much of the white room alliance, including Hamza, knows that Jesse is close to Kaela and Derek. With that, they realize that having an alliance of those people, including two alpha bros, is more dangerous potentially than an alliance including Olivia — she may be a number for another group, but she’s also not a competition threat. If the past two seasons of Big Brother Canada have taught us anything, it’s that it is important to get rid of people who could be competition threats. Jesse is that, at least from a physical standpoint.

Paras is now claiming that she is a lone wolf and is not going to be playing for anyone other than herself, which makes us slightly worried about her given that we picked her to win preseason. We just think that, for now, she’s venting and if she can make it a week past Jesse’s eviction most of her frustrations will start to simmer down a little bit and she can focus on the game again.

As for what else is happening this morning, we’ve heard Veronica and Will discuss their new working relationship with Hamza and Johnny, who seem to be in turn interested in getting Erica and Merron also involved. These bonds are all just messy at the moment and it doesn’t feel like many of them will stay stable. This is instead more a game of pairs just bobbing and weaving through various parts of the game — Veronica and Will are becoming closer, Ali and Olivia are close, Kaela and Derek are obviously a pair, and there are more that are closer to becoming a really stable group within the game.

Related Check out last night’s live-feed update!

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