Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: While the feeds were down… (day 18)
Is CarterMatt a little bit frustrated with it? Sure — as a matter of fact, we’re a lot frustrated with it given that the Big Brother Canada feeds are easily more-censored than any of the American versions of the show. Even Celebrity Big Brother didn’t go out of their way to protect the fragile egos of some of their houseguests! We understand the arguments that because the fans brought the show back we should be entitled to get more of the feeds in turn, but that’s just not how this series works and it hasn’t ever since it moved over to Global.
Probably the part of it that is the most frustrating from this vantage point is that whenever there are actual details surrounding the night in question discussed, the feeds seem to cut for no apparent reason other than that someone out there likes toying with our emotions.
Anyhow, we know that there was a lot of alcohol and a lot of kissing. Paras apparently kissed someone that the feed-blockers won’t let us hear about while Veronica and Kaela also kissed at one point. Meanwhile, there was music for a little while and some of the houseguests seemed to think that the feeds were on for at least a part of it.
As far as gameplay goes, there are two people we’re really impressed with so far this week: Merron (who seems to be on almost everyone’s good side after being an obvious target for the first little while in the game) and Kaela (who seems to have a deal with Olivia and Ali to not go after either one of them until jury). Even thought it does seem as tough Derek and Kaela will be split up before too long, she does already have some sort of alternate plan for what she wants to do next.
Related – Check out our live-feed update from last night.
Hopefully, some of the party footage will make it onto the series when the next new episode airs on Thursday night. If you want to get some other Big Brother Canada 6 news while you wait, be sure to like CarterMatt on Facebook right now. (Photo: Global.)