Big Brother Canada 6 live feed spoilers: Paranoia problems
For starters, you have to deal with all of the instability surrounding the vote. Hamza doesn’t seem to be likely to use the Power of Veto, which means that both Jesse and Olivia are probably going to stay put on the block. With that, it likely means that there are going to be debates for days on the subject of who is going to be coming home.
As of right now, it seems as though the majority of the house is game to take out Jesse this week, but at the same time you have Paras fighting already against this idea. She wants Olivia gone and is talking constantly about how she considers her to be a bigger threat. While it’s not completely transparent just yet that she is working with Jesse, Derek, and Kaela, she’s well on the way there with some of the “paranoia” that she’s showing. (We frame it that way because it’s not so much paranoia as it is her trying to save an ally.)
Related – Check out our morning update from the live feed
The next few days are probably going to be chaos, but what’s probably most interesting to us is who ends up shouldering the blame the most if Jesse goes home and someone like Kaela or Derek wins Head of Household. Does he choose to go after Hamza, or will he look more towards someone like Ryan or Will if they are framed more as the architects of the move. (Will has surprised us in the game — he has the ability to talk and play without ever coming across as super-threatening. He does have a certain degree of early Jon Pardy to him.)
The Veto Ceremony should be tomorrow. After that we imagine that the game will truly start to ignite and get crazy.
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