Lucifer season 3 episode 17 review: Did Lucifer push Chloe away?

Lucifer season 3 episode 17

It didn’t take too long going into Lucifer season 3 episode 17 for us to realize as a viewer that this one was going to be fun. For starters, you had a case that featured pop music at the center of it. To go along with that, this was also one that gave us more of a sense as to Lucifer’s insecurity. After a bomb threat earlier on in the episode, Lucifer started to understand the mortality of some of the various members of the LAPD and he did his part in order to make all of them feel good. He started handing out gives at the office … and also celebrate temp workers for no apparent reason.

Anyhow, let’s get back to the case since this one was a hoot. Lucifer and Chloe were tasked with trying to figure out who was after a popular pop singer named Axara. Her entourage was frustrating, her demands intense, and her presence figured out a way in which to cause all sorts of crazy behavior. For Lucifer in particular, it seemed was very much interested in why everyone was willing to worship this woman and give her almost everything she wanted. He tried to follow some of their behavior patterns, but in the process determined that she was actually rather human.

Yet, as it turns out much of this was a facade — he actually didn’t want anything to do with her, and was only trying to be desperately forget about what was really on his mind: His fear that his father was going to come and punish many of his friends. That was especially true for the person he cared about the most in Decker.

When it comes to figuring out the responsible party, we’ll admit that this case wasn’t altogether hard to figure out. The moment that Awkward alum Jillian Rose Reed was revealed as a guest star within the episode, it was clear that she had to have a particularly meaty role. As it turned out, she was Axara’s psychotic assistant, someone who was so desperate for her to be safe that she was willing to temporarily put her life at risk. In the process of the scuffle with the killer, though, Lucifer accidentally got stabbed with a knife.

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Here was the nice thing — Lucifer’s stabbing did allow for himself to have a nice moment with him and Chloe, one in which he realized that he wasn’t going to be able to control Chloe or anything that happened. The problem was that after pushing Chloe away early in the episode to try to keep her safe, Lucifer ended up actually pushing her closer to Marcus. The two went to an Axara concert in the closing minutes, much to Lucifer’s dismay.

Dan’s attempt at bonding

He thought he would get closer to Marcus in this episode; unfortunately, he realized soon after this that it wasn’t going to go so well. In the wake of Lucifer’s partnership coming to an end with him he was falling on some hard times.

CarterMatt Verdict

How could you not love this episode? It was a chance to see Tom Ellis singing “I Will Survive” while fighting over a microphone; also, he had a chance to learn a thing or two about smoothies with fresh turmeric and his fears of Chloe being hurt. Yet, him pushing Chloe away has caused him to be hurt perhaps more than he’s ever been when it comes to his feelings for her.

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