Deception series premiere review: Did ABC’s new series prove magical?

ABC’s new series, Deception, premiered tonight and we enjoyed it. The series stars Jack Cutmore-Scott as Cameron Black, a superstar magician who joins the FBI as a consulting illusionist to help them solve crimes after his career is ruined by a scandal.

With that being said, we couldn’t help but roll our eyes a little at how the new show straight up took pages out of fan-favorite series, Castle, that ended two years ago. The only real difference was that this series includes magic and not an author searching for a new muse. In fact, the show even used the scene from Castle‘s pilot where Kate Beckett handcuffs Castle to the car so he can’t get away. And while Cutmore-Scott’s charming personality was fun to watch, he isn’t Nathan Fillion’s Richard Castle. Now we know we have to look at this show by itself, but the similarities between the two were so in your face that it makes it hard not to compare the two. In fact, there are so many shows out or that are in production that have a similar concept that it makes us wonder if network television has any other ideas left. Ultimately, there’s only ever going to be one Castle … but back to this latest version.

Deception started off by showing us an illusion Black was performing in Las Vegas and ended with him showing up in New York. There he met a mysterious woman. Now we don’t want to spoil anything for people who haven’t seen it yet, but Black’s career ends in scandal after that night leaving him and his team unemployed. A year later Black is watching a television and notices that another skilled illusionist as tricked the FBI and used Black’s ways to get it done. He takes this as the illusionist is sending him a message and he eventually joins the FBI team to help them find the missing drug lord and the illusionist.

He, of course, helps them solve and case and we were entertained by how he used magic and tricks to solve it. This will pave the way for how the series is going to run. We like Black’s team and the personalities they bring to the show. Overall, we will tune in next week and we will be hoping that Deception writes its own pages, instead of taking them from another show, in order stand apart and give us that new show we have been craving for.

This story was written by Samantha D’Amico.

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