Big Brother Canada 6, a live feed hiatus, and what’s coming.
Anyhow, hopefully the feeds are going to be back soon and we can see some sort of fallout from what happened with the Veto. By the way, we still don’t understand why the Canadian version of the show doesn’t just sell the feeds and open them up to Americans. That would easily enable them to monetize the feeds and fund the show in a way that more that compensates for their current model. We’re not sure if that would stop all of the outages, but they could probably drop a sponsor or two and make the show a little more flexible.
So what’s coming up on Monday? Basically, episode 3 will offer some sort of continuation to what you see in the video below with Merron and Veronica. The two parties are going to be entering the house and trying to immerse themselves using this crazy, completely-unbelievable story that they go over in this sneak preview. Basically, there is a zero percent chance that anyone is ever going to believe some of what they are talking about here. It’s completely idiotic and makes virtually zero sense that they would somehow end up in the house after being in the audience.
Anyhow, the rest of Monday’s episode will feature everything from the Head of Household Competition to the nominees, which are a little more entertaining than they have any right to be just because of how insane Ryan went trying to control everything. Andrew and Hamza are currently on the block with Andrew currently looking like the target.
Related – Read our recent exit interview with Rozina!
Have any crazy theories as to why the live feeds are down beyond just technical difficulties? (There’s no reason why they would still be down for the Veto … right?) Share in the comments!
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