Big Brother Canada 6 prediction: Who’s going to take home the title?
To date, we’ve been pretty solid with our prediction pieces — we had Jillian and Jon pegged as our season 1 and 2 winners; we missed with Willow, Cassandra, and Bruno, but at least they all made it fairly far. Given that Willow went home because of a crummy twist and Cassandra could’ve won if she or Tim had actually won competitions, we’re pretty happy with our predictions so far.
Going into this season, we have a good bit of information to go on when making our predictions — we’ve spoken to every single contestant in our pre-game interviews (read those over here) and, to go along with that, we’ve read over some of their biographies. This season is actually rather difficult to predict since there are a number of people taking part this time around who actually have a good chance at winning. There are many big fans and only a few people we would classify as the classic delusional Big Brother player who goes into the game thinking that they will run it only to have that blow up in their face.
Still, we do think that there is the right person in this case who has the competition of smarts, skill, strategy, and self-awareness necessary to win the game.
Our Big Brother Canada 6 winner pick is Paras Atashnak.
What Paras brings to the game is pretty simple — more than a decade’s worth of viewership to the franchise, an understanding of crafting arguments from law school, and enough competition prowess to do well. She’s a little like Josh Martinez in that she’s a superfan who can probably mask how big of a fan she actually is of the show. Her pre-game interview shows perfectly an understanding of how to play the Big Brother Canada game — get in good with a dominant alliance early (one with several dudes who tend to win many of the early competitions) while also forming bonds with the outsiders. From there, she can jump ship whenever she wants to do so and set herself up well for the long and the short game.
Related – Check out our interview with Arisa Cox and her thoughts on this season!
Above all else, we like how Paras came across in the pre-game interview — she was likable, knowledgeable about the game, and confident without being arrogant. She was a little bit reminiscent of Neda meets Ian Terry. One of them is a winner, and the other one came very close to being a winner.
Who do you want to see as the winner of Big Brother Canada 6? Be sure to share right now in the comments!
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