Legends of Tomorrow season 3: Should Sara / Ava ‘AvaLance’ relationship happen?


Mrs. Carter: Should “AvaLance” officially become a full-fledged relationship during Legends of Tomorrow season 3?

Based on where things are right now with Sara Lance and Ava Sharpe, it certainly seems like we’re charting in that direction. It was very clear during this past episode that Ava does have some feelings for her, and judging from the way that Sara reacted to some questioning from Leo Snart on the subject, some of those feelings may be mutual. Sara isn’t exactly someone with a tendency of really expressing her feelings overtly, so this may be the most that you get on the subject in the immediate future. She’s more likely to just bottle them up before acting on those feelings when she feels like it. (Or, in the case of Constantine, she’s also just willing to have a little bit of fun in the moment.)

What’s great about AvaLance at the moment is that it’s not the likeliest relationship for either Sara or Ava to be in on the surface. The two on paper don’t have that much in common — Sara’s a rule-breaker and someone with a wildly independent spirit; meanwhile, Ava is a rule-follower and someone who often finds herself adhering to more traditional power structures. The Time Bureau has already shown itself to be a massive pain in the you-know-what for the Legends through season 3 and we don’t exactly foresee that changing in the near future. The only difference between now and the start of the season is that the Time Bureau has started to realize that there’s less incentive to go after the Legends for now — Ava’s also seen more of what they are up against and understands it. They have opportunities to collaborate, but they may be short-lived.

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If Legends of Tomorrow does go this route, you’ve also got a chance to see a very different side of Sara than before — someone who is really attached. While we’ve seen her attached in some form with Oliver Queen, Alex Danvers, and Leonard Snart (at least in the form of a kiss), the closest thing we’ve really had with her in a long-term relationship with anyone was the one with Nyssa — but that was more in the past than the present.

When will you absolutely see more AvaLance?

Think in terms of the upcoming March 5 episode entitled “No Country for Old Dads.” The official synopsis details a little bit of what could be coming for Sara:

When Damien (Neal McDonough) and Nora Darhrk (guest star Courtney Ford) take Ray hostage they force him to try and fix the Fire Totem, but Ray (Brandon Routh) tries to use the power struggle between them to his advantage. Ray and Nora find themselves working together in 1960’s East Germany in order to fix the totem, but soon come face to face with a younger and deadlier version of Damien Dahrk. Meanwhile, Sara (Caity Lotz) seems to be taking positive steps in her personal life.

While it’s possible that this isn’t a reference to Sara and Ava, what else could it be? There was never an indicator that something with her and John would be permanent.

Do you want more AvaLance on Legends of Tomorrow season 3?

We want to hear some of your thoughts on the subject in the comments! Meanwhile, be sure to also like CarterMatt on Facebook to get some other insight when it comes to the CW series. (Photo: The CW.)

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