Is Doctor Who season 11 featuring Rosa Parks? Behind surprising internet rumor

Rosa Parks

Will Doctor Who season 11 offer up an opportunity to see Rosa Parks? While on the surface this internet rumor may seem especially bizarre, there is some evidence suggesting that The Doctor could be traveling back to the Civil Rights Movement.

The rumors started courtesy of a Twitter user who reportedly spotted actor David Rubin’s resume claiming that he was playing “Raymond Parkes” on the upcoming season of the BBC drama. Raymond Parks (there may be a spelling error on the resume) was Rosa Parks’ husband. Meanwhile, there is another credit floating around out there on the internet suggesting that Parks’ attorney Fred Grey could also be appearing on the show.

So why would a British television show opt to revisit a significant point in American history? It may have to deal with a desire to transcend, to ground Doctor Who within a specific element of reality. Given that The Doctor is such a hero to so many, it makes sense to have her visit this season other heroes. We cannot speak from a British TV viewers standpoint, so we’re not sure how much Rosa Parks is taught to children across the pond.

One word of caution

Don’t just assume that Doctor Who is doing a Rosa Parks story based on credits alone. There are some shows that often use code-names as a means of keeping audiences guessing; this could be one of those said instances. The only reason CarterMatt is inclined to believe this isn’t happening here is because it feels too unusual for the BBC to use Civil Rights icons for code-names; it would almost be disrespectful to these figures to do that.

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The new season will premiere on the network later this fall, so there will be a time for some more information and answers soon enough. Filming is underway in Great Britain, mostly within a studio that shields production from public viewing.

What do you think about this new rumor? Is there a reason to bring Rosa Parks back on Doctor Who season 11? Share now in the comments below! Also, you can like CarterMatt on Facebook for some other insight on the series. (Photo: BBC.)

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