Who died on Arrow season 6 episode 12?

Slade Wilson's son

Arrow season 6 episode 12 did something that, for the second straight week, constitutes a pretty big surprise — a significant character was killed off.

So, who was it this time? Obviously, there are some major spoilers ahead.

The character we lost on Arrow this time around wasn’t as much of a bummer as losing Captain Pike — we liked that guy a lot because he was a character from all the way back in season 1 and those are few and far between. The characters we lost tonight was someone who weren’t sure could die, but he’s also not someone we really knew all that well: Vince.

Is Vigilante now that biggest waste of a villain that we’ve seen within the show’s history? It’s a fair question. Last season, this guy was a ruthless killer of anyone he deemed unworthy of Star City. The Vince reveal was somewhat of a letdown since we barely knew the character, let alone cared about him. He hadn’t had enough screen time at the time of the reveal for his history with Dinah to really matter. With Black Siren killing him, it feels like the only real purpose of the character’s death now is to justify Black Siren’s existence as a strong, capable villain. Remember, Black Siren, for all of her powers and her boasting, really hasn’t accomplished all that much.

We wish that Arrow would have either made Vigilante Curtis’ ex Paul or some Earth-2 Adrian Chase just for the sake of introducing a character we were a little more inclined to care for — it’s either that or keep Vigilante a little more ruthless. He was far too cool this season just helping out Black Canary because of their past but we never saw him really get altogether villainous.

Maybe all of this is a solid microcosm for Arrow season 6 to date — a show with some interesting character and ideas that somehow fall flat in the execution. We like just about all of the performances, but for whatever reason the story elements just aren’t falling into place. It’s too scattered, and there’s not enough of a clear focus or a mission.

Related – Preview what is coming up on Arrow next week.

What did you think about tonight’s Arrow and some of the decisions that were made over the course of the episode? Share now in the comments! Also, be sure to like CarterMatt on Facebook for some other updates regarding the CW series. (Photo: The CW.)

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