The Big Bang Theory season 11 episode 13 review: Bert joins the band, Sherlock Around the Clock

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Now that the nastiness of the wedding party has been all sorted our from last week’s episode of The Big Bang Theory, everyone is back to normal and ready to take on the next issue that is coming their way tonight. This time it’s going to be in the form of Sheldon’s insecurities about his work drying up and his focus getting lost.

Raj’s review of his planetarium show is in the paper… well sort of. It’s listed under things to do this weekend, which is sort of something to be celebrated, right?

Speaking of things to celebrate, the project that Amy and Howard are working on has received a write up and Leonard and Bert’s project is also picking up some steam, making Sheldon start to panic that he’s not doing enough to keep up with what his friends are doing. After learning how far ahead everyone is Sheldon decides to get some space to refocus and figure out what he’s doing, so he asks Amy to leave the house. Amy starts spending a lot of time over at Penny and Leonard’s house and this leads to a lot of fun science experiments and spelling bees for Leonard and Amy. With Amy and Leonard going full nerd on Penny, she decides to spend some time with Sheldon and help him bring his focus away from Dark Matter (which he only sort of liked working on) and brought him back to focusing on String Theory which has him feeling inspired once again.

We’ve said this before but it merits repeating – The Big Bang Theory season 11 has done an outstanding job bringing together characters that haven’t had much alone time together and showing us how these different dynamics would play out. There’s been a lot of laughs from the pairings and tonight’s pairing brought back some of the fun nerdy science that sometimes gets overshadowed by relationship drama.

We have missed Raj and Howard’s friendship tremendously so we are happy that not only are they friends again, but we got to see them working on their music again (Footprints on the Moon is back!), perfecting their hit “Sherlock around the Clock”. They have a gig coming up, but Howard is having a difficult time balancing his family life and the band, so when Howard suggests that Raj replaces him, he jumps on that asks Bert to join. Bert not only brings his musical prowess he also brings a new song about boulders and Indiana Jones. One of the things we love about this is how much this reminds us of our favorite bands, They Might Be Giants, who sing about science all the time. Eventually Bernadette

Related – Check out what’s coming up next time on The Big Bang Theory.

CarterMatt’s Overall Thoughts

Whenever there is an episode that has Penny and Sheldon together we know that it’s going to be a good one and tonight’s episode was no different. Outside of the nerdy music Raj, Howard and Bert were creating (we may have Sherlock Around the Clock in our heads all night), those were easily the best moments for us. Together they are funny, but there’s such a nice vulnerability that these two have together. It’s such an unexpected friendship, but it really works for both of them and tonight we feel like Penny had her moment in the sun to be the smartest woman in the room.

What did you think of tonight’s episode of The Big Bang Theory and what was your favorite scene? Leave us a comment with your thoughts in the box below.

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