Law & Order: SVU season 19 video: Benson learns about Noah

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Want to check out a new Law & Order: SVU season 19 video? You can do so below, but be warned that this one is going to be emotional.

In this sneak preview (first posted by TVLine), you can see the immediate aftermath to what happened in the closing minutes of the fall finale. If you recall, we ended up seeing Benson’s son Noah kidnapped in the closing minutes of the episode while he was out shopping for a winter coat with Sheila. The next new episode is going to pick up almost immediately where that moment left off, with Benson getting a call from Sheila that Noah is gone. She’s already searched the store with the manager and they’re trying to figure out just what happened.

As you would expect, Benson reacts in the way that any mother would — she rushes over, desperate for information and answers. She also gets the store manager (who clearly isn’t taking this situation seriously enough) to lock down the entire place until they can figure out answers as to precisely what is going on here.

We do hope that this episode offers up some answers regarding not only Noah’s location, but also if Sheila was involved in any way. We know that there are many different conspiracy theories out there on the subject, but we want to believe that, one way or another, she is innocent in all of this. It really is more interesting to us if she’s just a flawed woman trying to get some sort of redemption for being involved in Noah’s life. She is doing everything that she can in order to handle some of her own inner pain and channel it towards something good.

Expect a powerhouse performance from both Brooke Shields and Mariska Hargitay, who recently won our CarterMatt Awards prize for Best Hero.

What do you think about this new Law & Order: SVU season 19 video?

Do you think that Benson will find Noah within this episode, and do you want to see that happen? Be sure to share right now in the comments below!

(Photo: NBC.)

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