Our annual Poldark Christmas Special wishlist article returns!

Poldark Christmas Special

Why isn’t there a Poldark Christmas Special? This is a question we find ourselves wondering time and time again — of course, this year is no exception.

Sensibly, we do understand why the folks over at production company Mammoth Screen and the BBC do not create one — logistically, these are hard to do, and it’s even harder to make it historically accurate. Consider the time period in which Poldark is set, and also that many of our modern Christmas traditions did not even exist back then. You could make an episode set in the wintertime if you so chose and call it a Christmas Special, but maybe that’s something Poldark just doesn’t need.

There are also a few other factors to consider here: The BBC has limited space as it is on Christmas Day, Poldark already has a long-enough production window, and we’re also talking about stories based on a book series here. It’s a little bit different than a Call the Midwife or a Doctor Who, where you have a tad more flexibility in terms of what you could put out there.

Of course, in our mind we do like to imagine what a Poldark Christmas Special would look like…

Ross – Wanders over to a Christmas tree farm. (Yeah, we know this isn’t historically accurate.) Following that, he thinks that he likes one tree but he really likes another — but is it big and impressive enough? He spends the next two weeks standing there weighing his options.

Demelza – Kneading dough seems to be one of her favorite hobbies, so she’s going to have a lot of time angrily kneading cookie dough while wondering why Ross isn’t back in the tree.

George – George is clearly the Poldark equivalent of the guy who goes and sabotages your Christmas lights so that his house is prettier.

Elizabeth – Meanwhile, she is probably the person off chugging the eggnog before going off on George for missing the Christmas party because he was off screwing with people’s lights.

Morwenna – Vastly in need of a Christmas miracle.

Whitworth – Someone should just bury him under a pile of coal.

Dwight and Caroline – Nothing to crazy for them — they’re off having the holiday that they so clearly deserve at this point after everything that they’ve been through.

What do you want to see on a Poldark Christmas Special … in the dream scenario in which it happens? Share below!

Meanwhile, check out the link here to view more of the latest season 4 pieces and like CarterMatt on Facebook for even more news! (Photo: BBC.)

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