Shameless season 8 episode 3 preview: The Gallaghers vs. a meth dealer

Shameless season 8 episode 3

Shameless season 8 episode 3 looks to be sending a rather-valuable message to the Gallagher family: They should really stay out of the meth business. One of the storylines at the start of the season was about what some of the individual characters were going to do with the meth left for them by Monica — let’s just say that some have chosen to be more responsible than others. Fiona is more on the straight and narrow now and is doing her best to move forward — heck, even Frank is trying to be a better person than he once was. If only we could say the same about some of the other characters.

For a little more news on what Ian, Carl, Debbie, and Lip are up to, the Shameless season 8 episode 3 synopsis CarterMatt has for you  below gives you a little bit of insight:

A violent meth dealer threatens the Gallaghers, forcing Ian, Carl, Lip and Debbie to find a way to pay him off without involving Fiona. In the meantime, Fiona battles it out with a vindictive tenant; Lip cares for a down-and-out Professor Youens; and Frank – miraculously – attains something resembling sainthood.

Why would some of the Gallghers want to keep Fiona in the dark on this situation? To us, the answer there is pretty simple: Shame. They know that they shouldn’t have gotten mixed up in this and they know how Fiona is going to feel about it. They also don’t want to get her mixed up in it since this probably means having to be bombarded with a chorus of “I told you so” comments that, despite whatever they may think about them, they most certainly deserve.

Now if you’re asking us which story we’re the most interested in moving into this episode, it’s whatever is going on with Frank that brings him up to such an elevated position! William H. Macy’s character has managed to set the bar so low for himself over the years that for him, almost attaining sainthood is something that he may be able to achieve by doing something as simple as not being a jerk to other people on the street or actually giving some money to his children. You know, doing something that isn’t just him looking out for himself!

What do you want to see on Shameless season 8 episode 3? Share some more of your thoughts in the comment section below!

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