Outlander season 4 notes, charity honors, and Jamie/Claire rumors

Outlander season 4 notes

Ready for some of the latest assorted Outlander news items? Since CarterMatt hasn’t had a chance to touch on them in a few days, now seems like the perfect opportunity leading into the weekend!

The first thing that we want to do here is remind you, (in the midst of everything going on with the show and the fandom) that season 4 is currently being filmed! It’s strange to think that we could lose sight of that, but given everything currently going on we don’t actually think that it’s all that hard to do.

What we’ve got here comes courtesy of executive producer Matthew B. Roberts, who confirmed that he will have some episodes over the course of season 4 — not that this should be all that much of a surprise.

What may get people even more excited is what he had to say about potentially writing the (book spoiler alert) meeting between Jamie and Brianna that will take place that season. Given the work he did with “A. Malcolm” (one of the show’s best episodes through three seasons) we know that it’s going to be great.

Roberts also confirmed that Starz has not renewed the series yet for a fifth or sixth season — for the record, we’re not sure where most of the season 6 rumors are coming from given that this just feels like wishful thinking. Starz picking up two seasons was different last year because they hadn’t picked up any past the current one. We do anticipate a season 5 pickup before we get to the spring, but that’s probably it unless Starz is feeling super-generous.

Congrats to Bloodwise Scotland!

Bloodwise is one of Sam Heughan’s favorite charities, and one he and his fans support through the My Peak Challenge initiative. Therefore, it’s worth celebrating that their work was recognized as one of the 2017 Charity Champions. You can see an image celebrating that via the official account below.

Those weird Jamie/Claire book rumors

We don’t often talk about book related news here at CarterMatt as a non-reader, but the rumor about Diana Gabaldon killing off Jamie and Claire in book 10 of the series was too strange not to discuss briefly. We’ll let Gabaldon explain this further in a Facebook post because the reasoning for the rumor is as strange as anything:

“Is there something in the water today, or what? I don’t go anywhere online other than this page, Twitter, and Compuserve–this is how I survive social media–but my assistant just showed me an absolutely blithering post on some other page by someone asserting with great confidence that I’m going to kill off Jamie and Claire in Book Ten, because now that I’m a grandmother I don’t want to write or do book tours anymore.

“I really don’t use such language, but W. T. F?”

Gabaldon does go on to discuss further, (while noting that at the moment she does not intend to kill either character) that there are no guarantees since that could change, and the tenth book is still years away from being out in bookstores.

Just consider this yet another reminder not to believe everything you read online — if anyone knows the future of Jamie and Claire it’s the woman responsible for writing their entire story!

Want some more Outlander news?

One of the pieces we suggest you check out is over at the link here. This is where you can see our recent discussion regarding Claire and Jenny’s recent reunion.

Meanwhile, like us on Facebook in the event you do want to score some additional news and insight on both Outlander and many other shows we cover at CarterMatt. (Photo: Starz.)

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